Cartagena, only a two-hour flight from Miami, is a city rich with the history of a former bastion of the legendary "Spanish Main" shipping routes while, at the same time, boasting many modern facilities and activities, as well. Founded in 1533, it is one of the oldest cities in the western hemisphere and has a current population of about 400,000.
A must see on your visit will be the "Old Walled City." Recently restored as a huge historical relic of past centuries, it was ordered built in the fifteenth century by the King of Spain to protect Spanish fortunes from pirates and enemies when gold and emeralds were discovered in the interior of Colombia. More than eight other forts and fortresses pepper the inner harbor of Cartagena bearing the scars of enemy attacks on Imperial Spain. A shortage of sights, activities and entertainment will never be a problem during your visit. Dining is rewarding if you are not in a hurry. There are a variety of cuisine's available with a Spanish twist (of course).
Waiters will traditionally pamper you and insist that you slowly enjoy your meal as Colombians do, savoring each course while enjoying a good conversation. Other available activities include deep sea fishing, reef diving, guided bus tours and boat trips, unique shopping, art museums, horse drawn carriage rides, beaches, casinos, intimate bars, cafes with live entertainment and lively discotheques. If you are there in November, you can party in the streets until the wee hours of the morning as the Colombians celebrate the city's independence from Spain with a huge fiesta.
 The Colombian National beauty pageant is also held in Cartagena at this time. Colombia is located in northwest South America on the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea and boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The average temperature is 86 degrees with cool breezes normally from December to March. Not only is Cartagena an exciting, romantic vacation destination, you will have the privilege of meeting and courting literally hundreds of the most beautiful, marriage-minded women in the city who are eagerly awaiting your arrival! It WILL be the most exciting experience of your lifetime!
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