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I saw your offer to e-mail you and tell you about your site so I thought I
would. I have come across many foreign romance sites while wandering through the
web. Yours, BY FAR, is the best one. It is the most user-friendly and has
the best features.
Keep up the good work!
Dear all at South American Brides I would like to thank your organization. Never before have
I had so much mail from all over the world from so many women. It breaks my
heart that I just cant respond to them all. The time and postal costs would
be phenomenal. If I had a grievance it would be the women's letters, they
do silly things such as send a splendid letter then forget to write a
return address or do but you need a decipher machine to decode it. They
send brilliant photographs but write in there own language, again if only I
had a decoding machine handy.
Yours faithfully
Trevor J.
Dear Mr. Adams,
I am pleased to share that we were married on 30 January, 2003 in
Waterloo, Iowa. Thank you for the service provided by your company,
which allowed us to find each other!
Tom & Yuliana
as a member of the march, 2002, odessa tour, i just want to inform you that elena, whom i met on the tour, and i will be married on march 15. thanks for helping in this endevour.
Grover M.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.
I'm sure this made her very happy as she was so
pleased with the roses you delivered.
I really think your service is great - customer
service, response time, and gifts/products.
I especially appreciate your personal attention given
to my inquiry.
Thanks, again, for everything!
John, I am sooo happy that you provide this wonderful service, I could not find a beautiful young woman here in America who would give me the time of day. Without your service I would not have found this beautiful, young woman, I am engaged to. I would have had to settle for some one I really didn't want or to be alone for the rest of my life. If a man is sincere and makes up his mind, what type of woman he is looking for before he goes, he can find the girl of his dreams with your romance tours, God bless you and keep up the good work!!! I couldn't be happier. Sincerely, Dale K.
Thank you for doing a fine job with my gift for Katya. Her reaction was far better than I expected! It would have been worth twice the cost as her letter to me was truly amazing! I did not expect such a reaction! Thanks again for a fine job and when I send her another gift I will count on you again in the future.
David B.
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